Free, but I am Bound

Bound to… Be free

Bound to you-
for no other reason,
than to live down this disgrace
that long since lost meaning.

Bound to my love-
for hate of all other,
Everytime I feel I need something Omhelzen elkaar
I immediately push it further.

Bound to a pattern-
for lack of any faith,
When the well known, goes wrong
I feel scared, lost, and unsafe

Bound to the school, to society,
emotions, environments,
Bound to the world, to worry,
containment, commitment.
Bound to everything I know,
everything ever taught to me.
Bound to a world I love and hate,
Bound, and all I want is to be free…
Auteur onbekend

Op internet vond ik veel inspirerends over vrijheid, Engelstalig: freedom.

6 reacties

  1. Gebonden ben je alleen aan je echte zelf, al het andere is de ballast die je los mag laten en je word lichter en lichter…
    IK sluit me aan bij de woorden van Roy, prachtig gedicht… 😉

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